elegant, honest, timeless storytelling photography
THE CarolinaS + Destination
NC wedding photographer
Will be the best experience for the day!
This is the most intentional photography in film for the timeline
'I have always loved the film aesthetic, and the fact that it allows for
anticipation and for true intentional and pure connection every time...
I am so happy to be able to offer the experience of the purest photography to my clients...' ​
Digital photography has been very dominant in the past years.
But, I have still managed to deliver the Analog-FILM aesthetic in my digital process while emulating film, which it stills provide pop of colors, texture and immediate imagery...'
ONLY Imagine having the real form in ANALOG-film for your space!
Film allows us to slow down, and wait... Living presently with a nostalgic vibe. Now, with intention as my guide, I set out to make permanence of your photographs. And, in that process I have paid attention to each micro-decision — for I know these add up. ​This is WHY, as an added investment I offer the Love on FILM add on experience - ​
This is a very special moment, which in 15 minutes will deliver a justified break for specific solo photography for you both.
No rush - just intention and connection
It will be nice to just let go of the timeline for 15 minutes and perhaps, taking this little time to just be! Connecting the after I Do's - You are now Husband and Wife and this is when I capture these moments...
I will make your moments into ART and, they will be your forever in the prints collection you choose! ​​I will photograph you in FILM in the choice of 35mm OR 120 Medium Format
option I
35mm Format
A set of 10 [4x6] Prints in Matte—Mohawk Superfine Eggshell, 120lb. with a white border -
Upgrades available:
[10] 5x7s
option II
120-Medium Format
A set of 2 [8x10] Large Format Prints in Matte FSC-certified, acid-free paper with a smooth, neutral-white finish in 230 gsm- appx a 6pt or 60# cover weight stock
Upgrades available:
11x14, 16x20 + 20x30 are available up 10 [ten] prints